ANTIK Hospitality IPTV
IPTV brings the hotel operator most flexible way to expand guests entertainment to higher level – combined with unprecented up and cross-sell opportunities. Take advantage of Antik End-to-End Hospitality IPTV System and upgrade your hotel, hospital, appartment complex or cruise ship.
Integrated PMS:
- Opera
- Comanche
- Horec
- Hores
- Hotel Times
- Samsung
- Fidelio
ANTIK Technology offers top-level entertainment, x-sell opportunities and state-of-art guest services for your hospitality business. Starting from crystal clear HD TV channels reception, through fully customizable guest services user interface on your screen to food order, modern on-demand movies, TV archive, internet services access, guest mediaplayer, local touristic information service and many more. Easy to use reception interface for guest requests management. Quick setup in hotel of any size for standalone operation or full integration with property management systems.
- Crystal clear HD/4K TV channels
- Welcome screen
- All guest services on TV screen
- Hotel bill, Food ordering, Messages and more
- On-demand movies
- Catch-up TV
- Content Management System
- Internet apps + Mediaplayer
- Quick setup
- Weather
- Sightseeing info
HD/4K TV, latest entertainment options, top guest experience
Antik Hospitality delivers easy to set-up turnkey head-end and room premises equipment for live TV integrated with all premises related services and entertainemnt options. Using Antik HD set-top boxes you can be sure about futureproof media solution fulfiling highest guest expectations.
All-property content Distribution
Single system to manage and deliver advertising information, upsell and public awareness information throughout the property. All your converence rooms rented to major event organizer? With one button click distribute their promos to all your public premises displays, even show it during boot-up of guest rooms TV sets. Major sport event during dinner time? Easy switch your display remotely to specific liveTV channel while displaying your corporate client ads or upsell promo other times of the day.
- In-room TVs
- Lift displays
- Restaurant TVs
- Lobby&Public Premises
- Outdoor Displays
- Conference Premises Screens
All Guest Services on TV screen
Antik Hospitality IPTV brings all your hospitality offers on your guests TV Screen. 24/7 available, easy understadable multilanguage interface increases the change to sell your food service, relaxation, sightseeing and business guest products. All easy to setup and modify without any need of complicated coding or development.
Top-Notch Fun Features
Perfect to keep your guest entertained any time of the day. Latest HD movies, local sightseeing information, or using USB mediaplayer to allow guests to view latest pictures from the busy day spent on attractions mediaplayer to share hotel entertainment database or guests USB storage to allow them to view latest pictures from the busy day spent on attractions. Instant access to web browser and most viewed apps – YouTube, Facebook, etc.
IPTV Management Server MaxIM
The Antik Technology presents a professional cost-effective SW solution for a seamless management of your Antik set-top box and Mobile Application network. MaxIM is the corner stone of Antik Middleware Server Family. You can easily define your channel packages, configure all or only selected customer´s STBs, collaborate with other part of the Antik Server Family such as Antik Archive Servers, Antik Mosaic Servers and VoD servers. The MaxIM management server SW can be easily connected to your billing or to the customer care application, so that your users set-top boxes will be automatically activated and monitored using the same software your employees are familiar with.
Content Management System and Integration
Feature-rich CMS allows the hotel to bring all new guest offers and services to the TV screens instantly – without expensive technical support or development – from new room service options, through special promotions to 3rd party offers. Nothing is easier than to add or remove menus, submenus and specific items, all ready within minutes to give you enough time to spend time with your guests not with technology.
Hotel Systems Integration
Antik Hospitality IPTV communicates with Fidelio information system so all guests orders are automatically transferred to your hotel system and data from the system are imported to IPTV system. This way the client can see his hotel bill or kitchen know about food order instantly.
Guest User Interface
We work hard to keep our products up-to-date with latest trends in visual design and guest interaction. Soon we will provide you with completely new user interface to upgrade your guests experience to another level. Faster, easier to operate and bringing new options to promote your extras – these are main features of 2015 Edition of ANTIK Guest Interface.
Welcome screen
Welcome Screen appears automatically on guests TV Set after checking from Reception Interface or after PMS gives check-in order to ANTIK Hospitality IPTV System. ANTIK STB initiates wake-up of the TV using HDMI-CEC protocol. ANTIK system supports multiple alphabets, cultures and languages for guest to choose from and others can be easily added to the system.
Main menu
Easy to navigate interface with direct access to food delivery, video on demand, my bill and other upsell and cross-sell options.
Hotel services
Hotel can easily add or remove its products and services – from wakeup calls, through massages, restaurant or tours reservations to taxi orders. Everything is managed by content management systems and the result appears without any intermediary work on guests TV sets.
Room service
Set alarm
All your room-service offer is now available via guest TV set. All guest must do is to select food option and confirm by OK button. All guest request appear on reception dashboard or in your hotel system instantly.
All messages from reception appear on TV screens immediately. Older messages are stored in guest inbox on TV, notifications as well as scrolling messages are available too.
My Bill
Thanks to integration with your hotel PMS, all guest orders ordered through IPTV or other hotel departments will appear on one simple table for guest to review before check-out.
TV System and VOD Setup
Management and VOD is integral part of Antik Hospitality IPTV System. As part of our End-to-End approach we deliver everything from DVB (Sat or Terrestrial) to IP receivers, management, middleware, VOD systems and storage to form one fine-tuned TV solution. You can easily manage all your TV channel sources, add or remove channels, benefit from EPG (Electronic Programme Guide) information, even create specific channel packages and deliver different channels to specific rooms this way. For VOD you can quickly import and convert new movies, share movie metadata, define payment model(pay-per-view, pay-per-package, pay-per-minute, etc.) and setup API to hotel billing system.
Mosaic UI gives end-user chance to watch dozens of channels at once and decide for the favorite one. Delivered by Antik Mosaic generator – low-cost mosaic encoder engine.
Archive by channel
Archive is sorted by channels according to the time it was broadcasting.
Archive by genre (Catch-Up TV)
World unique way to access catch up TV content. All programs are automatically sorted in “VOD style” UI for easy access.
Accurate and up-to-date information about weather accessible from the main menu is part of the package. Selecting the place or locality guests can easily plan their trips or other program.
Linear TV
Management and VOD is integral part of Antik Hospitality IPTV System. As part of our End-to-End approach we deliver everything from DVB (Sat or Terrestrial) to IP receivers, management, middleware, VOD systems and storage to form one fine-tuned TV solution. You can easily manage all your TV channel sources, add or remove channels, benefit from EPG (Electronic Programme Guide) information, even create specific channel packages and deliver different channels to specific rooms this way. For VOD you can quickly import and convert new movies, share movie metadata, define payment model (pay-per-view, pay-per-package, pay-per-minute, etc.) and setup API to hotel billing system.
TV Pluggin
Now the guest an add its own TV chanel, where can watch inernet channels, live stream, internet radios and the view of home cameras or other public or private content.
My channels
As plugin is installed, channel can be find in MENU – CHANNEL LIST – MY CHANNELS.
Becoming one of the most popular entertainment platforms YouTube can not be left out of Antik Hospitality IPTV.
More entertainment for your guests in simple and easy to navigate user interface with complete movie selection as well as other video content become available and easy to find according to name or category.
Digital Signage solution for hotels
Deliver desired advertising content to your guests! The complex solution includes everything from set-top boxes, DS management system and DS editor to elegant digital panels available in various models and color combinations. Read more…